Monday, November 12, 2012

Wreck-it-Ralph Cupcakes!

So I brainstormed... and I came up with these:

Wreck-it-Ralph Sugar Rush cupcakes!! Yummmmm!  I mostly used brick candy, which I was so happy to find!  To read and see more pictures, head on over to my cupcake blog, Easy There, Cupcake!

I also made some Brave-inspired cupcakes when the movie came out over the summer.  Oh, and don't forget to look for my Muppet Cupcakes post, either!!  They were my personal favorites.  Enjoy!!


  1. Would you have any wreck it Ralph cake pop ideas? I googled it and got nothing. thanks for any help you can provide.

    1. I think a pacman cake pop could be pretty simple, just a yellow-coated cake pop with black eyes & a big open mouth made of chocolate.. You could probably make a Q-bert face too by putting a cheerio on the side as the mouth before dipping it in orange melting chocolates.. and the round shape of cake pops would be good for making the faces of Ralph, Felix and Vanellope. Also a cherry would be cool! Maybe use a snip of red licorice shoelace sticking out the top. Let me know when you make them, I'd love to see pictures!

  2. Yes! red licorice for Ralph's hair. why didn't I think of that. thank you for your help. I'm new to making cake pops but seem to have better overall success than with cupcakes. Go figure. lol. my son is turning 3 and I want to do the cake pops for the party. thanks again. I take pics. thanks again.
