Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Cookies!

I found them!!  I went to Target today and they were right where I saw them.  Good old, reliable Target!  Isn't this box adorable?  The back is cute, too:

It's a little (obvious) matching game.  Anyway, if you can see the small writing in yellow, it says "Just Place & Bake!" and yes, it is that simple!  (You can also see the three other cookie "shapes" on the bottom right: Valentine Mickeys over hearts, the Cinderella shoe I think I mentioned in my last post, and Cars!)

I took them out of the pack:

They actually look like little Stitch faces!  They were so cute and tiny, I felt like I was about to eat Pumpkin Mickey cereal (there's an idea...).  Anyway I took a picture holding it so you could see how small they were:

Haha okay maybe they're not cereal-sized.  Although Honeycombs are rather large, aren't they?

Aww there they are!  I actually had to move some of these to a separate pan because I re-read the box after sliding these puppies into the oven (note to literal readers: I did not slide any puppies into the oven) and realized they should be not one, but two inches apart from each other.  Now, I don't have a built-in ruler app in my brain and I'm too lazy to actually get a ruler out of the drawer right next to me, so I spread them out a little further just to make sure.

This is how they looked coming out of the oven, which is exactly the same except a tiny bit bigger (and I didn't take a picture holding one cuz they were too hot and I could take one right now, but remember that comment I just made about being lazy and the ruler?  Yeah.)

And here they are all festively displayed on a green plate..

Yum!  I'm sure the treats at MNSSHP will be much fancier and tastier, but these are pretty fancy and tasty if I do say so myself!!  Thanks, Pillsbury!

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